Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Exhibition on March 2014

Exhibition on March 2014

 Exhibition " New Laptop"  "waktunya ganti laptop" on March 2014 start 12 March 2014 until 23 March 2014.......only in Plaza Dieng ........

@ 2 Brother Compt   Laptop Lenovo Procom      only   4,250,000,-
@ 354 Compt            Laptop Asus X 200 CA       only   3,399,000,-
@ Gadget Shop          Flash disk 16 Gg                  only       90.000,-
and many other product with best price 
All laptops and gadget sold at bargain prices for visitors Plaza Dieng who want to replace it all laptops and gadget with a new laptop & gadget............
So ....come and visit this exhibition......only @ Plaza Dieng Malang - The Real IT Center

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